

One of several vaccines that may protect you from COVID-19 is a Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Research shows that in people aged 16 and older the vaccine has great efficacy.

COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine is available in the USA and elsewhere. Lateral effects are usually mild and last for a few days Source of confidence.


The Pfizer vaccine is a shot capable of protecting against COVID-19 growth. Comirnaty is its brand name.

This vaccine has been established by Pfizer Inc., one of the world’s largest biopharmaceutical companies.

According to the CDC, people receive the vaccine in two doses and the second dose comes approximately 21 days from Trustworthy Source. However sometimes, until 6 weeks after the first, a person cannot receive the second dose.

How does it work?

The vaccine functions by introducing a cell molecule called messenger RNA (mRNA). This molecule teaches cells to make a COVID-19 causing protein called SARS-CoV-2.

This protein is detected by the body and an immune response is triggered. This produces anticorps and prolonged immunity to prevent future SARS-CoV-2 infections.

How effective Pfizer is?

In view of the effect of the Pfizer vaccine, it is important to differentiate between its effectiveness and its efficacy.

“Efficacy” means the performance of the vaccine under ideal and controlled conditions, such as in clinical trials. “Effectiveness” refers to its real-world performance.

Clinical trials demonstrate a high degree of efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine.

A study of 43,548 participants, funded by BioNTech and Pfizer, showed that 2 doses of their vaccine provide 95% COVID-19 protection to people aged 16 or older.

The results were consistent between the age groups, the genders, the races, the ethnicity, the weights of the body, and those who were already infected with SARS-CoV-2.

The clinical results of these studies are supported by a large Pfizer study involving about 1.2 million people in Israel. Two doses of the vaccine are indicated as a 94% reduction in symptomatic COVID-19 cases in all ages after 7 days of the second dose. The vaccine also reduces serious diseases by 92%.

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