

The chemical composition of your blood allows you to coagulate to avoid blood loss in the course of injury. Nevertheless, blood clots are often harmful more than good and can damage the circulatory system. Blood streaming can lead to other areas of the body and threatening complications such as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.

Although most blood clots don’t represent an immediate health threat, frequent coagulation can be serious. Use the tips to decrease your symptoms and reduce your risk of complications if you experience frequent blood clotting.


The circulation of the blood is essential for the prevention of blood clots. The better your circulation, the less chance your blood will pool and coagulate. Playing coagulation frequently results from long periods of inactivity, which can help reduce your risk of clots and other blood clot conditions such as diabetes and obesity.

Take note of these tips when it comes to fitness:

  • Set aside time in the morning for leg workouts that encourage good circulation inside the legs, a common area for blood clots. Do foot workouts, too.
  • If you need to be sitting at a time for long periods of time, take care of getting up and moving around to boost circulation. Do it every two hours at least once.
  • You can do some moderate aerobic exercise as regularly as you can do. Walking, hiking, swimming, cycling or other activities that you enjoy can be part of this.

Look what you are eating

Your diet plays an important role to prevent blood clots from becoming a major issue in your overall circulatory health. Here are some fundamental areas:

  • Drink plenty of water all day. If you have been dehydrated from a lack of water, your body’s blood will naturally thicken — when it happens, it is more likely to coagulate.
  • Try reducing your intake if you eat lots of animal fats as part of your normal diet. Animal fats cause high inflammatory levels and can be detrimental to cardiovascular health overall.


  • You can reduce your clotting risk in plenty of other ways:
  • Specify the use of compression stockings with your doctor
  • Wear loose clothes while traveling and walk on long flights or trains.
  • Follow your doctor’s heart disease and diabetes management treatment plan.
  • Keep your body healthy and take a balanced diet.

Your doctor or vein specialist can provide additional lifestyle change recommendations that may help with the symptoms of blood clots.

In the case of blood clots, Enoxaparin is used to treat harmful blood clots and to help deter them. The risk of a stroke or heart attack is thereby reduced. This medicine helps maintain smooth blood flow by decreasing the activity of the blood clotting proteins. Enoxaparin is a “blood-thinner” anticoagulant. 

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