

We saw in recent times that vitamin C is a key element of our diet – and of beauty! Vitamin C’s first fame prevention claim was scurvy, but now we understand vitamin C, also called l-ascorbic acid, is much more than just stronger bones. This water-soluble vitamin is a powerful immune-boosting antioxidant that promotes good health and brilliant, youthful skin. Daily intake of Vitamin C is a great way to build or sustain an immune system that is rich in antioxidants and rich with nutrients.


Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights oxidative stress and can damage cells. The risk of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and macular degeneration can be reduced with Vitamin C. There are also many beauty benefits to antioxidants that help protect the skin and prevent signs of aging. It helps our body more efficiently use other important antioxidants, such as vitamin E, which boosts their effects. 

For the growth and repair of all tissues of the body, vitamin C is also essential. It maintains strong teeth and bones and helps to repair tissue and cure wounds. Collagen, the protein that keeps our bodies strong, tight, and smooth skin are necessary for vitamin C. We naturally produce less collagen as we age, allowing the skin to appear wrinkles and shrinkages. Vitamin C promotes the production of more collagen, keeping the skin younger and longer.


Vitamin C is not produced by the body itself, so it is a clean healthy diet that must be used. Fresh, organic fruit and vegetables are the best sources of food. Some vitamin C high-quality foods are citrus fruits, such as orange, grapefruit, pomegranates, tropical fruits such as mango, papaya, and an apple, and brassicas, such as brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli. Please include certain of these or other high-vitamin C foods each day in your diet to help maintain a healthy level of Vitamin C and natural collagen.

Many people think that increased vitamin C will clear the cold more quickly after you notice symptoms of cold or flu. However, most research has shown that vitamin C, which keeps the immune system strong, can prevent disease or shorten cold time periods, is steadily employed. The immune system over time is supported by a supplementary form of Vitamin C and a rich vitamin diet. However, please note that high doses of additional vitamin C can lead to loss of bowels.


Vitamin C is a necessary part of the production of natural collagen, as mentioned earlier. Collagen is a real superstar that anti-aging: it holds the skin firm, filled, plump, and wrinkle-free. Natural collagen production is declining about 1 percent each year following approximately 25 years, leading to loose, sloppy skin, fine lines, and wrinkles over time. A diet full of vitamin C foods including a supplemental form of vitamin C (We suggest Guard) will promote the production of natural collagen, the primary defense for the prevention of loss of collagen. But make an effort by including a collagen hydrolysate supplement. Research showed excellent results in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles with additional collagen.

Vitamin C is a powerful and effective ingredient in beauty products, not just beauty foods. Skincare products are made of antioxidants that can help to reduce infamy, prevent acne, and combat skin-free radicals that may lead to premature aging. Vitamin C also evades skin tone by reducing the dark spots, increasing the production of collagen, and reducing skin irritation and redness in skin treatments. Vitamin C By including a quality, non-toxic product in a more concentrated way like a serum, you’ll get the most from vitamin C. In addition to a 21-day yearly cleaning program, vitamin C serum keeps your skin bright, tight, and healthy every day.

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